A couple of posts ago I wrote about Sreyroth and the first time she ever to enter school she entered at the 4th grade level.
It is worth going back and reading if you haven’t done so.
Anyway I am proud to report she got her grade early December. She place number 3 in her class of 66 children. I was so proud of her when I saw her grade I went around the house telling everyone.
Tea was asked to be the Red Cross representative this year for the school along with Nerday Ream’s Niece that lives next door. Basically he will assist when Red Cross in our area gives out assistance to the needy.
Tate was asked to be the equivalent to a boyscout along with several other children. He is also being asked to represent the school as the leader when they have to go to the city or else where.
Basically they go out and do good deeds as a group clean up places, help people fix their houses and learn how to do different projects.
It made us very proud of our kids already achieving goals we had hoped for them to achieve later in life, being leaders and making a difference in their country.
Being in a Buddhist country these type of activities are always surrounded by and celebrated by Buddhist chanting and doing things that Tate and Tea may not want to do. Please pray for them that they would remain strong and be able represent Christ well.
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