Well this one got delayed a bit.
Sadly we had some supper small ants invade my external hard drive. It’s looking real bad for getting stuff off of it. Losing a hard drive is a bit like having a fire in your home. We had bought our first ever picture frames for our house but we can’t fill them now.
So I delayed this post in hopes of having some pictures to go with it. I’ve got to say a big thanks to Facebook because I’ve been going around most of the day pulling pictures posted and shared over the past.
September a busy month for us was completed with our 2nd annual teacher conference put on by HOPE GLOBAL out of Australia.
All Photos Credited to Ivan Tarlton from New Zealand.
I believe we had 5 school represented this year. I believe the final day of the conference there were 65 teachers present 30 of them from our school.
I believe my father in-law had 20 of his own teachers there as well.
We’d have to say it was a wonderful success with everyone quite happy with what was taught this year. So thankful to have the Amanda, Neil and Ivan to return with Tamara. Teacher of teachers pretty powerful opportunity.
We opened with worship and a short word. Actually my first sermon ever, Ream says my dad’s not coming, say something. So during the 10 minutes of worship turned out to be just a enough time to prepare.
Teacher engagement was awesome.
A time to share with each other what they’ve created.
All in All I think they had a great time as well.
Also this year we had a women’s health education day. That went extremely well.
We’re really looking forward to next years conference.
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