We took a little ride around our village to see the water.
Fishing is really good. People are catching a farmed fish from a local places that must have over flowed and got away. Also someone evidently caught a small crocodile escaped from farm some where. I would have loved to seen the look on the guys face when he pulled up the net.
These fields had been planted with rice is now a small lake.
Some people have fared better than others, having your own private island isn’t always a good thing.
The road going to the school is covered with a rather swift current of water, maybe about a foot deep in the middle. The rice field on the right and left though are two and a half to 3 feet deep.
This part of the waters enters right down their drive way into and though their house.
At the school Rachana was a bit shy to show us her class room because it is falling apart.
This is the road directly behind the orphanage, about 3 fields down.
These people will lose their crop this year.
Who can resist a little fun.
In our village there is some slight damage. There will be some crop losses hopefully no outbreaks of illness. I hear the next province is much worse but we will not have the chance to go see.
For some families the loss of their crop will mean no rice for the year. They will turn to other means maybe a loan they can’t repay or selling things they shouldn’t sell.
The flooding is certainly not as bad as so many other countries such as Pakistan and China but the people we care for could still use your prayers for a speedy recovery and maybe give opportunity for Christians to do more work and touch more heart.
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