Years ago one our honeymoon in Thailand we decided to see the floating villages.  So we took a really  long bus bide to I don’t remember where to find a fairly small canal crowded with tourist.  We got in the canoe and motored a couple hundred feet south and back.  Mainly it was a short boat ride through a supper market.   I think if the bus didn’t take like 4 hours to get there it might have been more enjoyable.  At the end of the trip there were to unexpected stops. 

    One was at the Royal Handcrafted Wood Museum where they spent years carving in intricate works of art on to 8 to 10 foot long tablets of solid and rare woods.  This place was impressive.

    The last stop on the tour was a snake show where there was a mini zoo of crocs and snakes.  When the show started the announcer pretty much only to say 4 words in English “Action, Danger Take photo” and every one in the crowd would raise their camera for a photo op.
    What was so funny that the announcer said it so much and so often that the words have for ever etched into our thoughts.

    I told Ream the other day I was going to takes some action shots with the kids and the big ball.   She says “Action, Danger, Take Photo”.

    The kids love to see their own pictures of them in action and I like trying to take the weirdest photo I can.  Grab the big exercise ball and play soccer get in the most action possible.  It is a little bit of fun and I hope you like them.   There also some shots of the girls in the yard playing as well.

    Young with the backwards kick that lands a head shot was the winning shot today.
    Neal and Nop giving it all they’ve got.
    I like these series of shots.  You can tell something big is coming.
    Tong tries a Karate block.

    I think this was Hua about to take a shot to the head.
    With the size and weight of the ball most kids end up on the ground. 
    Sambat also get the award for effort on highest kicks.  He completely misses it and ends up on the floor.
    Unfortunate thing about being an orphan is there are times a fathers advice could have been useful.
      Like “keep you eye on the ball” or ” Don’t run between people playing a game” Soray learn this lesson the hard way today. 😉
    The Big Ball had been the best toy that we have had for the longest time.  It always generates laughs, some times tears but mostly laughs.
    Rachel and girls playing Ring Around the Rosy
    Tong and the girls in Tug o War.
    The Girls playing London Bridged

    Did I mention that we love our girls.
    They were playing ghost or lava monster or something.  Manglee with her tongue hanging out was the ghost at that moment.  I hope she was it.
    On and Chantrea
    Mangju, On and Vanack
    Mr. Joe climbing mountains
    and exploring life.

    “Action Take Photo”

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