Any volunteers for how about Summer?
We are offering a lovely setting this year. The theme is tropical. For those who like sun we have had plenty this month. Here are two of our guest having the time of their lives.Te-a and Sam
We’ve had lots of fun this month. Are two boys Tate and Tong adjusted so fast we took another two right away. 2 boys Te-a Chang 9 years and Tee Chang 7 years old.
Where at 9 boys right now and one teen age volunteer.
Chow Tee Tate
Tong Tee Tate
We where happy to get so funds this quarter for projects.
Thank you so much to the Sunday school classes for the playground money you raised.
We bought 11 pieces with that money and the children love it.
They did complain a little about the marry go round they got so sick. They asked mom “why did you buy such a terrible toy?” They where getting sick some where crying but it was funny because as soon as they felt better they where playing again.
It was a real challenge for them to wait until every thing was properly installed.
We found a man who plants any size tree that we want. We bought coconut palm trees for $70 and 5 other fruit trees for about $50 each. The trees are coming out 15 feet high and ready to give fruit. It is awesome how cheap they are and who big. We are trying to get tree that will give the most shade to the playground equipment.
In the future we hope to buy grass from him it is $1 a meter plus 12 inches of soil, which is pretty good. Also this guy cares for every thing for 3 months and guarantees it after that.
I was thinking of some friends who sell palms and how much they would cost there. 🙂
When all these things where coming down the road all the people followed. We had 35, 40 neighbors and kids on the property playing and watching the trees come in. It was a fun day.
The children have been out playing games like tag, hid and seek and kick the can. After they win there might be some dancing.
Englime Channee Melor Chow
At meal time the children line up for prayer, Channee thanks Mow for his meal. Everyone sits and eats.
Bible study earlier that morning 5:30 am. I am lucky I get to sleep in with the baby down stairs.
Wayne was looking at some real estate. I think the up keep was the turn off.
Wayne and Glenn AGHO board members say good by to Reams’ parents.
The last couple of weeks we have had some visitors from the Mennonite churches in Canada and Pennsylvania. They are doing a 3 month say here in Cambodia and have been living with the villagers doing what they do, eating what they eat, pretty brave. They’ve spent three days doing things with the kid playing teaching and playing.
Amy doing her clinic with my brother Ra.
A week after Wayne and Glenn left it rained and the termites came out in swarm. The children collected them for the ducks.
Kids and I put together a little road to the pig pen.
Septic and leach lines where complete.
We got some free fruit trees from a NGO and planted them out back.
They are pretty small though and will take a while for them to fill in.
We have some guardians volunteering two days a week here and at church. We will hire them come April 1st
P.S. Tate and Tong where saved the second Sunday at church by the third Sunday Tate memorized all the books in the bible and was first in his class with his quiz.
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